Comments About “The Wounded Bear”
Comments and feedback from participants attest to the long-term impact and effectiveness of the program:
“The Wounded Bear opens the door to healing for our Veterans. They begin to see that their reaction to their combat experience is a natural reaction of the heart and soul. They come to greater understanding and compassion for themselves and others. The Wounded Bear inspires the true Warrior within to be realized in one’s relationship to life.” – U.S. Marine Veteran
“I too was personally and professionally touched and moved by The Wounded Bear. It is a story I am able to refer to time and time again as a social worker, chemical dependency counselor and adjunct college instructor. In my opinion, this program speaks right to the heart of the realities of those who are hurting in our society, as well as about thoughtful, realistic and workable solutions to improving the welfare and wellbeing of all.” – Social Worker, Cleveland, OH
“Excellent workshop, I hope to see this grow in our communities.” – Social Worker/RN, Rapid City, SD
“This presentation has had a profound effect on me. It has given me hope. I now see how my reaction to pain created more pain in my life. I now know how to heal and have found my desire to do so.” – Inmate, Ohio correctional facility
“I liked “The Wounded Bear” because if the bear can change so can I. My life is not hopeless. I can start to dream and see myself as a success.” – Student/trauma survivor, age 14, Sydney, Australia
“The Wounded Bear” has transformed my life. I no longer look at myself and others the same way. I have experienced a deeper level of compassion and understanding about people, especially those in pain.” – Parent, Cleveland, OH
“It brought my heart joy and a wonderful lightness that lasted for days.” – Program participant, Columbus, Ohio
“I never understood what really drove people to hurt others and what to do about it, until now. Excellent program!” – Corrections officer, Columbus, OH
“I wish every teacher, administrator, and parent could experience “The Wounded Bear” training. This training has renewed my spirit. I now know what to do with my students, especially those in crisis.” – Teacher, Dayton, OH
“I guess I’m a wounded bear – that’s why I pick on other kids. The story makes me want to stop and tell my story.” – Student, age 10, Tipp City, OH
“I don’t think I have ever experienced such an impact on the inmates that lasted so long. The anger has been replaced by a desire to help others. Depression has been replaced by feelings of accomplishment. And those that were spiritually dead have found new meaning in seeking a higher power.” – Ph.D., Ohio Correctional Program
“It was over 15 years ago that I went through the Wounded Bear. It was the beginning of my healing. I never understood what drove my destructive choices. I never expected to live very long. Wounded Bear guided me out of darkness. I am now a successful therapist working with people who are in need of the same kind of healing that I need so long ago.” – LISW, Residential Recovery Program, Binghamton,NY