
The Red Bird Center offers a number of workshops, including:

Cultural Competency

Professional training program for in-depth understanding of Native American / Aboriginal life. Past and present. Healing issues related historical trauma, PTSD, identity, addiction and mental health issues, family systems, spirituality and health.

Trauma Recovery

Shianne Eagleheart, Executive Director of The Red Bird Center, is a multi-trauma survivor. She shares openly the healing blueprint that brings about resolution of trauma. This healing method was developed over many years of personal and professional trauma work. It is a combination of the best of many disciplines as well as what survivors themselves have discovered that brings true resolution.

Healing Model for Veterans and their families

This training takes you into the experience of the Veteran — basic training, combat impact, soul healing needed upon returning home, to truly honor the many Men and Woman who have served in all branches of the military. Training involves healing intervention for PTSD, addiction, domestic violence, depression and other soul loss as well as community engagement.

Violence Prevention and Restorative Justice

The Wounded Bear” is a violence prevention and restorative justice program. If we truly want to see an end to violence in our communities healing is the only effective and responsible action that we can take.

“The Wounded Bear” is a medicine story that offers the blueprint needed to heal the violence and heartbreak in our communities. “The Wounded Bear” has been presented at national and international Conferences, treatment programs, trauma recovery groups, offender groups, schools, universities, youth and adult correctional facilities, community centers, churches, social services agencies, cultural events, and mental health programs. Participants will learn about the Restorative Justice movement and how to truly participate in the transformation of the criminal justice system in America.

Healing Family Violence

Workshop includes the following:

  • Definition of domestic violence
  • Forms of abuse
  • Profile of a battered woman
  • Dynamics of a battering relationship
  • Progression of violence
  • Potential indications of violence
  • Profile of a batterer
  • Facts and myths about domestic violence
  • Battered woman’s syndrome
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Causes
  • Effects on family
  • Special populations
  • Safety plan
  • Healing for every member of the family

Chemical Dependency

This workshop covers the following topics:

  • Disease concept
  • Medical aspects
  • Symptoms
  • Addictive thinking
  • Effects on mental, emotional, spiritual, and social development
  • Feelings and defenses
  • Stages of recovery
  • Hope – Healing is possible!

Chemical Dependence and the Family

This workshop explores family dynamics, roles, and adaptive responses. This presentation takes the participant through the impact of chemical dependency and then through the stage of recovery. Specific steps are outlined that promote family healing.

Prevention Activities for Children and Adults (faculty)

The Red Bird Center offers on site visits in schools to support prevention activities that give our children opportunities to discover alternatives to destructive choices (i.e. drug/ alcohol use, bullying, truancy, and apathy.) Possible activities include – Healing circles, Wounded Bear, Medicine wheel, story telling, shield making, and team building.

Team Building

This workshop engages the participants in activities that bring groups together. Creating a circle of unity and balance. Everyone in the circle possesses gifts to bring about a successful team. For every challenge the circle experiences there is a solution. Participants learn the power of the circle and team building activities that really work to bring any group the success they are seeking. This program can be used in schools with students and in the workplace.

Healing Racism/Reconciliation

This program is a two-day intensive. The workshop begins with discussion on the condition of racism that exists here in America. What it is. How it began. How we are all affected. A healing circle is created to support authentic sharing. Participants have the opportunity to truly heal and release the despair connected with this condition. If interest is present an ongoing reconciliation group can be developed.

“Earth Medicine”

The “Good Earth Way” honors all forms of life as sacred. “Our life is our prayer”. One can walk in the natural world and experience the mirror reflection of the true beauty of the Soul. This workshop takes the participant into the many gifts in the natural world and supports oneness with all of creation. “Medicine heals, takes away pain, restores us to good health and wholeness, and in many cases prevents illness too”. Discover all the medicine that is available in the natural world as we walk in balance with the sacred.

Spiritual Healing

Training can be offered as a 6-hour workshop, a two-day intensive workshop, or a series of ongoing weekly meetings, depending on your group’s need. This workshop includes:

  • Definition of Spiritual Healing
  • Practical application/techniques
  • “The Healer Within”
  • Healing of mind, body, spirit
  • The 12 Seneca principals of truth
  • Honoring the soul’s intent and purpose
  • Nurturing spiritual development
  • Spiritual adventure
  • “No limit thinking”
  • Creative process
  • Spiritual identity, language, and expression
  • “Walking in balance”

Drum Making

The drum is the heartbeat of the people and joins us to the heartbeat of the earth. Participants will learn the art of drum making and create their own drum. They will also have the opportunity to bring the medicine of the drum into daily prayer and meditation.

Creating the Medicine Shield

A medicine shield is a reflection of one’s personal medicine. “The gifts of the soul”. Participants learn the art of shield making and create their own personal medicine shield. This activity empowers participants to discover their gifts and truly express them in their communities. (Realizing one’s full potential.) Shields have been preserved in families long after the owner has passed into spirit. Families have expressed what a blessings it is to be able to bring the shield out during a family gathering and celebrate the life journey of a love one.



“Your heart’s desire is your future.” We invite you to step into the action necessary to fulfill your Vision. All of us come with “sacred purpose”. This workshop helps the participant to realize their Vision and can be designed for group or individual work.


“We are one with the Divine.” Meditation allows us to connect to this sacred truth. Learn the art of meditation, which brings about relaxation, inner peace, improved memory and concentration, enhanced intuitive ability, spiritual communication, and increased energy.

Spiritual Development Courses

Earth Medicine, Spiritual Healing, Meditation, Visioning and Drum and Shield Making fall under this heading. Please refer to above outline.

For more information about our workshops, contact:
The Red Bird Center, Inc.
P. O. Box 1284
Cambridge, OH 43725
(740) 432-8052
E-Mail address: