About the Program
Violence Prevention…Trauma Recovery…Healing of the Human Spirit
“The Wounded Bear” is a modern day medicine story about hope and healing. A medicine story is a Native American term that describes the healing effect a story can have on the listener. This medicine story shares the blueprint needed in our society to heal the violence and heartbreak in our communities.
“The Wounded Bear” addresses the following areas:
- Healing
- Trauma recovery
- Violence prevention
- De-escalation
- Forgiveness
- Compassion
- Crisis intervention
- Individual & group dynamics of violence
- Community response
- Chemical dependency
- Revictimization
- Personal responsibility in recovery
- Appropriate interventions with adults and children who are either victims or perpetrators of violence.
This program can be tailored to fit your organization’s needs, i.e.:
- School – Faculty training, student assemblies
- Mental health – Professional trainings, clients
- Native American/Aboriginal training conferences and retreats
- Community – Cultural programs, churches, outreach
- Corrections – Correction officers’ training, inmates
- Law Enforcement – Police, probation departments, youth and adults with court involvement
The range for this presentation is: one (1) hour or up to two (2) days.
Examples: 1 hr. – keynote
- 1 day – 6 hr. workshop
- 2 day – 12 hr. intensive retreat
A sample of programs that “The Wounded Bear” has been presented at include;
- Ohio Prevention and Education conference
- Ohio Drug and Alcohol Studies Institute conference
- Summer Institute
- International Reclaiming Youth Conference, Rapid City, SD
- Wild Child Conference
- Healing Domestic Violence in Aboriginal Communities, Calgary, Alberta Canada
- “Permission to Shine Brightly” Youth Conference, Sydney, Australia
- Public Children Services Association of Ohio state conference
- Georgia Federation for Exceptional Children Conference
- “Raising Healthy Children” – Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
- Native American/Aboriginal Professional Training Conferences
- Numerous school assemblies 3rd – 12th grade
- Universities
- Facility In-service trainings
- Adult and Youth corrections
- Counselor and social worker training programs
- Multicultural Events